
공지 및 최근소식

Hello everyone,

This year's meetings of the International Society for Frontier Missiology in Dallas, TX are just over two weeks away (Sept 15-17) and we need your help! Because we want to promote intergenerational dialog, we're trying to get as many mission-interested young adults and students to  join us in Dallas.

This will be a great opportunity for such young adults to learn from and interact with seasoned leaders. This year's meetings will focus on the Indian subcontinent, which is the epicenter of the largest remaining unreached peoples (over 100 million in size). Even someone who is not necessarily interested in that part of the world will have much to gain, as it is a microcosm of some of the serious challenges faced around the globe by workers in Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, or other contexts.

Again this year we have an impressive slate of speakers, so those you invite will not fail to be challenged and inspired.

If you know pastors, mission leaders or young people in the Dallas area (including surrounding states within driving distance), would you please forward the attached flyer to them? We're keeping the costs VERY low so anyone can attend. Please include your personal recommendation for young adults to join us at this year's conference.

If you would like to know more, please see the attached flyer or
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